2 out of 3 Employees Feel Burnout

  • 2.6x more likely to leave current job

  • 50% less likely to discuss performance goals

  • 13% less confident in their performance

Leadership is the Solution

  • 70% of employee engagement is driven by their manager

  • 20% lower burnout in managers who practice authentic leadership

  • 70% less likely to experience burnout with a supportive manager

How We Can Help

We offer one-on-one employee coaching in a scalable format with the best-in-class content from renowned mindfulness teachers and experts.

The Results

  • Reduce Burnout
  • Strengthen Leadership
  • Increase Employee Engagement
  • A Strong Organizational Foundation
  • Objective Pre and Post-Program Progress

Why Us?

  • Proven Track Record
  • New York Times Best Selling book, ‘Start Here’, is authored by Co-Founders Eric Langshur and Nate Klemp, PhD.
  • Guaranteed Refund if You’re Not Satisfied.

Our Team

eric langshur

Eric Langshur


nate klemp

Nate Klemp, PhD


Josh Rudin MSN

Editor and Contributor