Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes on Tesla’s ‘Evidence of Excellence’ Question

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Want to nail Tesla’s hiring process?

Then you’ll have to ace the “Evidence of Excellence” question.

But here’s the kicker:

Most applicants don’t.

Let’s break down the common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Tesla’s “Evidence of Excellence” interview question requires specific, quantifiable achievements that apply to the job. Avoid vague answers, focus on real-world accomplishments, and highlight your personal impact in your team’s past accomplishments to show your unique value to Tesla.

tesla evidence of excellence mistakes infographic

What’s “Evidence of Excellence”?

Tesla’s not messing around. They want proof you’re a beast.


 A track record of outstanding achievements

The ability to deliver superior results

Skills that make Elon go “Wow!”

This can include qualifications, accomplishments, work experience, and references that demonstrate your skills and expertise

5 Common Mistakes When Answering the “Evidence of Excellence” Question

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1. Not Being Specific Enough

Give specific examples of your achievements. No vague adjectives about yourself or descriptions that do not clearly prove your capabilities.

Pro tip: Use the STAR method:

  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action
  • Result

Paint a picture! Tell a story!

2. Classroom Hero, Real-World Zero

Sure, your GPA’s stellar. But so is everyone else’s. Tesla wants more.

They’re after: Practical skills and real world problem solving abilities.


  • Work achievements
  • Impactful projects
  • Interesting hobbies

3. Not Talking About Tesla

Big mistake: Generic answers that could fit any job.

Smart move: Tailor your response like a boss.

  • Read the job description
  • Match your skills to Tesla’s needs
  • Show them you’re the perfect fit
tesla owner starter pack

4. All Talk, No Numbers

Words are cheap. Tesla wants proof! Cold, hard facts.

Quantify as much as possible.

  • “Increased efficiency by 37%”
  • “Grew revenue 2.5x in 6 months”
  • “Led a team of 15 to launch in record time”

Numbers don’t lie. Use ’em!

5. Lost in the Team

Team player? Great. But don’t get lost in the crowd.

Stand out: Highlight your personal impact in your team’s success.

  • What was YOUR role?
  • How did YOU drive success?
  • Why should they hire YOU?

Wrapping It Up

Nailing the “Evidence of Excellence” question isn’t rocket science (even if you’re applying to SpaceX).

The formula:

  1. Be specific
  2. Show real-world wins
  3. Align with the job
  4. Quantify results
  5. Highlight YOUR impact
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