15 Mindfulness Activities for Preschoolers

cartoon kid meditating

Mindfulness is a great skill for young kids to learn.

It can help them feel calmer, pay attention better, and understand their feelings. While little kids can’t sit still and meditate for long, there are lots of fun ways to teach them about mindfulness.

Why Teach Mindfulness to Preschoolers?

Teaching mindfulness to preschoolers can help them:

  • Focus better
  • Stay calm when things are stressful
  • Feel less worried
  • Understand themselves and others better
  • Think more clearly
  • Sleep better and feel good about themselves

When we teach kids mindfulness early, we can help set them up with valuable life skills as their brains develop.

15 Mindfulness Activities for Preschoolers

Here are some fun mindfulness activities that work well for young kids:

Breathing Games

1. Belly Buddy

Have kids lie down with a stuffed animal on their belly. Ask them to breathe deeply and watch their toy move up and down.

2. Pinwheel Breathing

Use a pinwheel to show deep breaths. Kids can blow on it slowly, focusing on their breath.

pinwheel breath

3. Bunny Breathing

Take three quick sniffs through the nose, then one long breath out through the mouth, like a bunny.

Using the Senses

4. Nature Walk

Go for a walk outside and ask kids to listen quietly to the sounds around them.

nature walk meme

5. Sensory Bins

Fill bins with things like sand or water for kids to touch and explore.

sensory bins

6. Five Senses Game

Ask kids to notice what they can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste right now.

Movement Activities

7. Animal Yoga

Do simple yoga poses that look like animals, mixing movement and breathing.

8. Mindful Dancing

Play music and let kids dance freely, then have them freeze and notice how their body feels.

9. Eagle Flying

Have kids “fly” slowly around the room, breathing in as their arms go up and out as they go down.

Calming Techniques

10. Glitter Jar

Shake a jar filled with water and glitter, and watch it settle. Use it as a timer for quiet moments.

glitter meme

11. Worry Monsters

Draw or make “worry monsters” that can eat up kids’ worries.

monsters inc

12. Imagining Stories

Tell a short, relaxing story, like imagining floating on a cloud.

Being Creative

13. Mindful Coloring

Give kids nature pictures to color or let them color real leaves with crayons.

coloring book page

14. Feelings Circle

Sit in a circle and let kids talk about how they’re feeling.

15. Making Patterns

Create simple circular patterns using things from nature like leaves or rocks.

Tips for Teaching Mindfulness to Young Kids

  1. Keep activities short, usually 1-5 minutes for little kids.
  2. Use words kids can understand and lots of pictures.
  3. Show kids how to be mindful by doing it yourself.
  4. Add mindfulness to things kids already do, like before nap time or meals.
  5. Praise kids for trying, not for being “good” at mindfulness.
  6. Make it fun – don’t force kids to do it if they don’t want to.

By doing these simple mindfulness activities, we can help young kids learn how to handle their feelings, focus better, and feel calmer. Remember, doing a little bit every day can make a big difference in how kids feel and grow.

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