What is Acheta Powder? How Crickets Might Save Your Gains (and the Planet)

Alright, guys and gals we’re about to talk…cricket powder. Yep, you heard that right. Not the sport, the insect. 🦗 So what the heck is Cricket (acheta) powder? It’s ground-up crickets. Sounds gross? Hear me out… This stuff is the Alpha Male of protein powders. It’s got more protein than beef, it’s better for the…

What Steps Should Vegetarians Take to Ensure They Get Proper Levels of Protein?

You’ve gone vegetarian, and now everyone’s asking, “But where do you get your protein?” If you want to optimize your health or build some serious muscle, here are some hacks and tips to get it done. What Steps Should Vegetarians Take to Ensure They Get Proper Levels of Protein? Vegetarians should eat a variety of…

How can Short Term Goals Best Lead Towards Accomplishing Long Term Career Goals?

Let’s talk about career goals. Everyone wants the dream job, the corner office. But here’s what most people miss: The power of short-term goals. These smaller, actionable objectives are the building blocks of career success. How can Short Term Goals Best Lead Towards Accomplishing Long Term Career Goals? Short-term goals help someone learn skills, earn…

Debunking 5 Myths About Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Feeling overwhelmed by constant mental chatter? Transcendental Meditation (TM) might be the solution you’re looking for. You’ve probably heard a bunch of crazy stuff about TM mantras. Well, buckle up because we’re about to set the record straight. What are Transcendental Meditation Mantras? TM mantras are unique in the meditation world. Key points: Think of…