cartoon person on phone

How to Stop Calls from a Career Coach

Unwanted calls from career coaches can be incredibly annoying and disruptive. These calls might range from genuine offers to outright scams, and figuring out how to stop them can be a hassle.

If you’re tired of dealing with these interruptions, this article is here to help. We’ll go over practical steps to block these calls, report them, and prevent them from happening in the future. Let’s dive in and regain control over your privacy!

Key Takeaways

  • Use resources like the Better Business Bureau website and Glassdoor to see what current and former clients have to say about a particular career coach and identify if the calls are a scam or a legitimate career coach,
  • Block calls using built-in phone features, third-party apps,  contacting your service provider, or adding yourself to the national and state Do Not Call lists.
  • Become familiar with common scam tactics to protect yourself from future calls.

Identifying Legitimate Career Coaches vs. Scams

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Whether you’re in the process of finding a good career coach, or just want the calls to stop altogether, it’s helpful to know whether the calls are coming from a real coach or a scammer.

If the calls are coming from a real coach, you can just ask them to stop, however, if they’re coming from scammers you may need to go a few steps further.

Get a full overview of career coaches in our article, Career Coaches: Are they a Good Investment?

Signs of a Legitimate Career Coaches

If you’re ever in doubt, a quick Google search of the coach’s name and credentials can help you verify their authenticity.

Here are some characteristics of legitimate career coaches:

  • They have a professional-looking website that clearly outlines their services, fees, and credentials.
  • They have positive reviews and testimonials from real clients.
  • They are often certified by organizations.

Common Signs of Scam Calls

Unfortunately, every call from someone claiming to be a career coach may not be from a legitimate business.

Some callers may pose as career coaches to obtain personal information or money from you. They may use persistent calls as a tactic to pressure you into giving them money or personal information.

If a caller insists that you need to make a decision immediately or asks for private information like your credit card details, it’s a red flag.

Here are some common signs of scam calls:

  • High-pressure sales tactics to convince you to sign up for their services.
  • Promise unrealistic results or make exaggerated claims about their services.
  • Ask for payment upfront before providing any services.
  • They use scare tactics to make you feel like you need their services.
  • They refuse to provide any information about their credentials or experience.

Why You’re Getting Career Coach Calls

woman frustrated while on the phone

These calls might come from aggressive marketing strategies or data sharing between companies. Sometimes, they can also be part of larger scam operations where your number was obtained through data leaks or purchases.

Here are some reasons why you may be receiving persistent career coach calls:

Cold Calling

Career coaches often use marketing strategies like cold calling to find potential clients. Cold calling is a “shotgun” style marketing approach that can result in calls to people like you likely may not be interested in their services.

Data Sharing and Purchases

Career coaches may purchase your contact information from a third-party data provider or a job board. This can result in multiple career coaches calling you with their services.

Scam Operations

Sometimes, the calls can also be part of larger scam operations where your number was obtained through data leaks or purchases.

How to Block Career Coach Calls

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As I mentioned earlier, receiving calls from a career coach can be overwhelming and even annoying. Fortunately, there are several methods to screen and block calls from unwanted numbers.

Using Built-in Phone Features

Most smartphones have built-in features that allow you to block calls.

For iPhone users, you can go to your Phone app, tap on the info icon next to the number, and select “Block this Caller.”

Apple Support – Block phone numbers, contacts, and emails on your iPhone

Android users can do something similar by selecting the number in the Phone app and choosing “Block/report spam.”

Google Support – Block or mark a number as spam

To avoid future spam calls, I changed my call settings to have all phone calls from numbers not stored on my phone go straight to voicemail. If they really want to get hold of me they’ll leave a voice message or text. If there are repeated calls from the same number and I’m expecting a call then I’ll call them back.

Third-Party Apps for Call Blocking

If built-in features aren’t enough,You can also use third-party apps like RobokillerTruecaller, or Hiya to screen and block calls.

These apps use a database of known spam numbers to identify and block calls from unwanted numbers automatically.

Before downloading and installing any third-party app, make sure to read the reviews and do some research to ensure that the app is reputable and trustworthy.

Contacting Your Service Provider

If you continue to receive unwanted calls even after using built-in phone features and third-party apps, you may want to contact your service provider. Most service providers have a customer service department that can assist you with blocking specific numbers or even blocking entire area codes.

Prevent Future Spam Calls

person on phone cartoon

Registering on Do Not Call Lists

National Do Not Call Registry

If you want to avoid being spammed with phone calls in the future, registering your number with the National Do Not Call Registry is one of the first steps you should take. This can significantly reduce the number of unsolicited calls you receive.

State-Specific Do Not Call Lists

Some states have their own Do Not Call lists in addition to the national one. Check if your state offers this service and register your number there as well.

Protecting Your Contact Information

Limiting Data Sharing

Be mindful of where you share your contact information. Avoid posting your phone number on public forums or social media. When filling out forms online, look for opt-out options that prevent your information from being shared with third parties.

Using Temporary Numbers

Consider using temporary or disposable phone numbers for situations where you need to provide a contact number but don’t want to share your primary one.

Services like Google Voice or Textfree allow you to create secondary numbers that forward to your main phone, which you can disable if you start getting unwanted calls.

Reporting and Documenting Calls

If you’re receiving a lot of unwanted calls from a career coach and have been unable to get them to stop, it can be helpful to know how to report these spam calls.

Reporting to the FTC

If you believe that the calls you are receiving are harassing or threatening, you can report them to authorities.

In the United States, you can report unwanted calls to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

To report to the FTC, you can go to their website and fill out a complaint form. You will need to provide details about the calls you have received, including the name of the company, the phone number they called from, and the date and time of the call.

The FTC will use this information to investigate the company and possibly take action to protect you and future potential victims.

Keeping a Call Log

Keeping a log of unwanted calls can help when reporting to authorities. Record the date, time, caller ID, and any details of the conversation. This documentation can strengthen your case when you report harassment or a scam.

Common Career Coaching Scams

Common Career Coaching Scams

One common scam is the promise of a job guarantee. No career coach can guarantee you a job, and if they promise one, it’s likely a scam.

Another common scam is the promise of unrealistic results. For example, if a career coach promises to double your salary in a month, it’s too good to be true.

Career coach Andrew Wilson Woods says she NEVER guarantees her clients results. All career situations are different and she’s not with her clients 24/7, so she can’t know if they’ll follow through on her advice.

As I brought up earlier, also be suspicious of career coaches who ask for large upfront payments or who refuse to provide references or testimonials.

Resources for Avoiding Scams

One resource to that you can use to learn more about avoiding scams is the Federal Trade Commission’s article on avoiding job scams.

Another resource is the Better Business Bureau, which allows you to search for registered career coaches and see their ratings and reviews. You can also check out Glassdoor to see what current and former clients have to say about a particular career coach.

Or use a site like

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I remove my contact information from a career coach’s call list?

You can ask the career coach to remove your contact information from their call list. Be sure to clearly communicate that you do not want to receive any further calls or messages from them.

If they continue to contact you, you can block their phone number or report them to the Federal Trade Commission.

What are the legal options for preventing unwanted calls from career coaching services?

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) provides legal options for preventing unwanted calls from career coaching services. Under the TCPA, you can register your phone number on the National Do Not Call Registry, which prohibits telemarketers from calling your number. You can also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or take legal action against the career coaching service.

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