Is Protein Powder Made from Bugs?

“Insects are the food of the future. They’re nutritious, easy to raise, and have a low environmental footprint.”

Marcel Dicke, entomologist (bug expert) and TED speaker

marcel giving a ted talk

No, your regular protein powder probably isn’t made of bugs. At least, not yet.

  1. Whey and casein protein powders? Made from milk. No bugs involved.
  2. Plant-based protein powders? Still plants. Peas, rice, hemp
  3. Egg protein? Yep, still from chickens. The feathered kind, not the six-legged kind.

That being said, there are companies making bug-based protein powder.

Real companies. With offices and everything. Not just some guy in his basement with a blender and a bug zapper.

cricket farm in thailand

A few examples are:

  • Entomo Farms Cricket Powder
  • Chapul Cricket Protein Powder: Comes in flavors like ‘Aztec Chocolate’.
  • Ynsect Mealworm Protein: French worm powder
  • Thailand Unique Silkworm Powder
  • Crunchy Critters Grasshopper Protein
  • Exo Cricket Protein Bars
  • BugMuscle Mixed Insect Protein

“Josh can I just go to GNC and ask for their best worm or cricket dust?”

This stuff isn’t mainstream… yet. It’s the underground punk rock scene of the protein world. Edgy, controversial, and probably not what your mom wants you eating.

A few challenges to bug protein’s success are:

  1. The “ick” factor: Not everyone loves the idea of drinking bug juice.
  2. It’s expensive: Apparently, farming crickets involves more than just leaving your porch light on and waiting.
  3. Regulations: Because obviously, the government has opinions on eating insects.

Even with these issues, this might be the future. It’s sustainable, nutritious, and a fun way to freak out your gym buddy.

You can learn about the benefits of worm-based protein powder here and cricket-based protein powder here.

Who knows? In a few years, we might all be chugging worm cricket shakes and wondering why we ever thought it was weird.


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